Encourage business creation and development instead of wasting resources. Chinese consumers have vast savings. Give them something to spend their money on. It seems there aren't enough products or services for them to spend. Look at the spending the recent video game success gave the economy. Encourage people to create products and services that the consumer wants. It seems they are tired of Western products and want something different.
The general argument is that Chinese households too little because they either a) save too much for contingencies, given that the state's healthcare, welfare and pension provisions are considered inadequate or b) are still too busy deleveraging or repairing their balance sheets in the wake of a multi-year property slump.
They are saying 1.4 billion people don't spend? People spend when there is something they want. Get entrepreneurs to pry these wallet open and the flood gates of spending will be unleash. It'll create jobs and more spending. All the fear mongering are keeping the wallets shut. Stop the fear mongering.
China is letting the West dictates its economy. The biggest obstacle to success is fear itself. The moment someone starts having doubts, it's over. China has $7 trillions in reserve currency as insurance against any hiccups. Just stay grounded and focus on one's own metrics for success not other people's. There will always be haters. All these spend and spend advices are to drain China's reserves and to enrich themselves.
The world's richest central bank, the PBOC, is more likely to follow the example of its founder, Mao Zedong, who grew China's GDP 6.5% pa, compounded, for 25 years–without accumulating debt.
Beijing needs to step up debt-driven fiscal stimulus to avoid a long-term Japan-style recession.??
Debt is the cowards' way out. That's why Western politicians love it.
Emulate the Great Helmsman and grow GDP 6.5% compounded for 25 years and leave the country with no debt. Mao also founded the PBOC, the world's biggest, richest bank.
Encourage business creation and development instead of wasting resources. Chinese consumers have vast savings. Give them something to spend their money on. It seems there aren't enough products or services for them to spend. Look at the spending the recent video game success gave the economy. Encourage people to create products and services that the consumer wants. It seems they are tired of Western products and want something different.
The general argument is that Chinese households too little because they either a) save too much for contingencies, given that the state's healthcare, welfare and pension provisions are considered inadequate or b) are still too busy deleveraging or repairing their balance sheets in the wake of a multi-year property slump.
They are saying 1.4 billion people don't spend? People spend when there is something they want. Get entrepreneurs to pry these wallet open and the flood gates of spending will be unleash. It'll create jobs and more spending. All the fear mongering are keeping the wallets shut. Stop the fear mongering.
China is letting the West dictates its economy. The biggest obstacle to success is fear itself. The moment someone starts having doubts, it's over. China has $7 trillions in reserve currency as insurance against any hiccups. Just stay grounded and focus on one's own metrics for success not other people's. There will always be haters. All these spend and spend advices are to drain China's reserves and to enrich themselves.
Stimulus s the cowards' way out.
The world's richest central bank, the PBOC, is more likely to follow the example of its founder, Mao Zedong, who grew China's GDP 6.5% pa, compounded, for 25 years–without accumulating debt.
Beijing needs to step up debt-driven fiscal stimulus to avoid a long-term Japan-style recession.??
Debt is the cowards' way out. That's why Western politicians love it.
Emulate the Great Helmsman and grow GDP 6.5% compounded for 25 years and leave the country with no debt. Mao also founded the PBOC, the world's biggest, richest bank.